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Energy policy: EU SAIs decide to strengthen cooperation

Contact Committee meeting held in Lisbon on 21 and 22 June. Image source: Tribunal de Contas

Date 2023.06.26

How can EU SAIs contribute to a better and more sustainable implementation of energy and climate policy within the European Union? This matter was discussed by the heads of EU SAIs under the chairmanship of the SAI of Portugal at this year’s Contact Committee meeting held in Lisbon on 21 and 22 June 2023.

In order to contribute to the implementation of the EU’s 2030 energy goals and targets, the Contact Committee Members agreed to strategically strengthen their cooperation on auditing energy and energy-related issues. To that end, they intend to

  • contribute to improving the relevant processes and procedures;
  • mitigate unnecessary risks and minimise the inappropriate use of public funds;
  • regularly meet and discuss at auditor level to complement and benefit from each other’s knowledge and experiences and develop common approaches;
  • make their audit results available to the public in the most appropriate form.
Kay Scheller, President of the Bundesrechnungshof, in a conversation with Paula Pinho, Director at the Directorate-General Energy in the European Commission
Kay Scheller, President of the Bundesrechnungshof, in a conversation with Paula Pinho, Director at the Directorate-General Energy in the European Commission Source: Tribunal de Contas

European Union faces enormous challenges

The EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy in energy consumption, improve energy efficiency and interconnect the EU’s electricity systems.

This will require major transformations of the Member States’ energy systems, but also massive investments from public and private, national and EU funds.

Furthermore, the war in Ukraine has a direct impact on the EU energy market and the citizens in the EU. Therefore, the energy supply in the EU needs to become more resilient, sustainable and independent of external shocks.

In this light, the European Commission launched its REPowerEU Plan mobilising almost €300 billion. The Plan aims to help the EU save energy, produce clean energy and diversify its energy supplies.

Quote by Kay Scheller

Bild-Dokument für das Frontend Achieving the energy and climate goals and targets within the European Union is a major challenge. Through their audit work, SAIs make transparent where the Member States stand and where enhancements are urgently needed."

Source: Kay Scheller, President of the Bundesrechnungshof


The SAIs of the EU Member States and the European Court of Auditors regularly share ideas and information on general and specific topics of European government auditing within the EU. The heads of all EU SAIs meet within the framework of the Contact Committee at least once a year. In addition to increasing the own firepower, the meeting serves the purpose of planning and implementing joint or parallel audits in areas funded and regulated by the EU.

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